Reaction hand and focus
Linework and stance practice
Grading practice up to blue stripe
Sparring drills and footwork
Kids Class with Oran - Four Directional Punching and reaction speed
Agility, speed, sparring and Korean with Oran
Stances and Korean
Kids Class: Footshapes and Korean with Oran
Different types of punches
Linework + secret black belt moves
Let’s focus on FOCUS!
Balance and control
Kicks, balances and stretching
Kicking practice and four directional punching
Kicking, exercises and remote control patterns
Grading practice, jumping kicks and POWER!
Kids Class - Pillow Padwork
Footshapes, patterns and exercises
Using an up and down motion in Taekwondo
Kids Class in the Sun: Linework, jumps and spins
Kicking combinations
3 Step Sparring, Jumping Kicks & Socks
Stances, agility and remote control patterns
Kicking practice and balancing
3 Step Sparring
Reaction speed and stances
Blocking practice and balance
Let’s learn some Korean & the 5 tenets of Taekwondo
Four Directional 1-8, Chon Ji and fun exercises
Speed and agility drills
Waist twist & Power
Kicking & Footshapes
Stances and jumping kicks
How to work on your stances and agility drills
Four directional punching and balance