We have now moved fully online!
Continue your training with us now 7 days a week with daily lived streamed classes on facebook and pre-recorded videos on our website available to you 24 hours a day. We will be adding more content daily and hope to implement a schedule of live classes (morning and evening) comprising fitness classes, TKD and Yoga.
Your support , through your ongoing membership, is really important to us and truly appreciated.
At the moment, all gradings (including the interim grading ) are being postponed. We are working on a way of assessing you either in a smaller environment or individually over a video call. Watch this space and keep practising!
FREE workshops and seminars will be provided , once classes are safe to start again, to all students whose memberships continue through this period.
How to access online content
We have set up a private Facebook group called “BTKD Online Classes”. Please join this group and you will have access to live Facebook classes every day (it is anticipated that they start with being every evening, with morning classes being added later on)
These classes will all be recorded and posted , along with other pre-recorded content on our website www.btkd.co.uk. Once we have some content for you to access over the coming days. you wlll be provided with a password.
We will keep you updated on facebook, by email and by text. If you don’t receive any of these notifications, please call us on 01844 281888 so we can remedy this.
Your feedback is really important to us. Please feel free to email me at any time with any comments on the online content, how useful you feel it is and any other features or topics you would like.
If you are not a current BTKD Member training with us, we would still love to welcome you to join us online to start, continue or further your own training. For a monthly fee of £54.99 you can access live streamed classes 7 days a week (including Tae Kwon Do, Fitness, Kids and Yoga classes) along with a growing catalogue of pre-recorded videos on all aspects of the TKD syllabus from white belt to black belt. Suitable for all ages.
Click below to sign up now. We will then send you the secure password for the catalogue pages on our website and allow you to access the Facebook page where our live classes are streamed.